Updated: Java Tutorial
Update: you can download the slides from the Java Tutorial by clicking here.
The IEEE Student Branch is organizing a Java Tutorial on Friday 30th March that focuses on Threading. A multithreaded program contains two or more parts that can run concurrently. Each part of such a program is called a thread and each thread defines a separate path of execution. We will run through examples of multithreaded programming that will help any person somewhat familiar with Java to have a hands-on experience on an advanced concept like threading.
A brief induction will be held just before the tutorial that will describe the aim, benefits, and future events of the IEEE Student Branch. Refreshments will be served at the end of the Tutorial.
Time & Date: Friday 30 March 3-5pm
Venue: Room FB 1.15a (Francis Bancroft Building)
Participants will need their QMUL ITS username/password to log in to the lab PCs.
You can book a place in the tutorial by sending out an email to sb.qmul@ieee.org with ‘Java Tutorial’ as a subject and stating your full name in the main body.
Hope to see you at the tutorial!