
Calling all IEEE members,

The QMUL IEEE student branch would like to draw your attention to its 2012 elections and award ceremony. You are entitled to apply for a position in the branch as well as vote for the 2013 committee members. Moreover, you can have your say about what activity you would like to see in 2013 as well as volunteer for our upcoming events.

When: Tuesday 11th December, 5:30pm
Where: ITL top floor room (number 5 in http://www.qmul.ac.uk/docs/about/26065.pdf)

Detailed Programme:

  1. Welcome and summary of activities
  2. Award ceremony: the branch will give prizes for the IEEEXtreme competition and the Student Paper Contest
  3. Candidate presentations and elections of the Student Branch committee
  4. Results of the elections
  5. Discussion on the future activities of the Student Branch while enjoying some food and drinks

Info on the IEEE Student Branch elections:
By the end of the meeting, the QMUL IEEE student members will elect officers for the student branch and its two chapters: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Signal Processing Society Chair, Women in Engineering Chair. Please send an email to sb.qmul@ieee.org about the position you are interested in running for by Monday 10th December.

Only active student members may run for the Chair position. The other positions are open for all IEEE student members in QMUL. Please note that only IEEE student members in QMUL have the right to vote in this meeting. If you would like to join the IEEE as a student member, you can do so at http://www.ieee.org/join

If you are interested in running for the Chair position, you can optionally prepare a 3 minute short speech and a list of proposed events that you would advocate for the student branch such as technical seminars, social activities and membership drives. For more details on the responsibilities of the Student Branch committee members have a look at our website: http://ieeesb.elec.qmul.ac.uk/about/